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Skin trophicity improvement by mechanotherapy for lipofilling based breast reconstruction postradiation therapy RAZZOUK K. et al.
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Autologous Fat Grafting as a Stand-alone Method for Immediate Breast Reconstruction After Radical Mastectomy in a Series of 15 Patients Alfred Fitoussi, Kais Razzouk et al.
Annals of Plastic Surgery Volume 88, Number 1, January 2022.
Effects of mechanical stimulation on mastectomy scars within 2 months of surgery: A single-center, single-blinded, randomized controlled trial Andrea K.P. Leunga et al.
Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 66 (2023) 101724.
LPG System et Dermatologie en particulier cicatrices Vergereau R., Cumin M.C.
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Fibrolymphoedeme et traitement avec la technique LPG RUFINI E.
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Traitement des complications post chirurgicales de la maladie de Dupuytren / Trattamento delle complicanze post chirurgiche del morbo di Dupuytren SARTORIO F., VERCELLI S., CALIGARI M.
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Vérification échographique du traitement de la PEFS avec la Technique LPG (Endermologie®) S. Giannini, R. Bartoletti, S. Maggiori, F. Tomaselli, C.A Bartoletti.
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Etude histologique du tissu cutané cicatriciel après traitement par la Technique LPG A. Barile, M. Calvietti, P. Petricig , A. Becchetti, E. Aviles, C. Dominici.
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Comparaison en termes de qualité cicatricielle du massage manuel et/ou de l’utilisation de l’Ergolift sur les brûlures de la face et du cou COMHAIRE-VALENGE M., FRASSON O., ALMERAS I.
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LPG and the cutaneous softening of burns / LPG et assouplissement cutané dans la brûlure Gavroy J.P., Dinard J., Costagliola M., Rouge D., Griffe O., Teot L., Ster F.
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Interest of the LPG Technique in the treatment of cutaneous fibrosis : application to chronic hypodermitis of the lower limbs / Intérêt de la Technique LPG dans le traitement de la fibrose cutanée: application à l’hypodermite chronique des membres inférieurs BLANCHEMAISON
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Effectiveness of LPG treatment in morphea Worret W.I., Jessberger B.
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A randomized, prospective study using the LPG Technique in treating radiation-induced skin fibrosis. Clinical and Profilometric analysis / / Etude prospective randomisée de l’utilisation de la Technique LPG dans le traitement de la fibrose cutanée radio-induite : Evaluation clinique et profilométrique BOURGEOIS J.F., GOURGOU S., KRAMAR A., LAGARDE JM, GUILLOT B.
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Contribution of endermology to improving indurations and panniculitis/lipoatrophy at glatiramer acetate injection site Rubio Fernández D, Rodríguez Del Canto C, Marcos Galán V, Falcón N, Edreira H, Sevane Fernández L, Francoli Martínez P, Sánchez-De la Rosa R.
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Tissue mechanostimulation in the treatment of scars Majani U., Majani A.
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External cutaneous expansion with endermologie. An alternative complementary method in delayed breast reconstruction DE LA CRUZ M.
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