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LPG® equipment near you
Years of research and development, a continually evolving health and beauty market, and a global health crisis have all contributed to the rise of wellness and the concept of “Beauty Care”… Maintaining the No.1 position in professional face and body treatments for nearly 40 years is no small feat.
And yet…
The patented innovation behind Cellu M6® Infinity is as astonishing for the engineers who developed it as it is for the health and beauty professionals who use it – and for the men and women who are introduced to an entirely new treatment dimension.
LPG® Systems – which became LPG® Group in 2018 – is ushering in a new era with a ground-breaking technology that represents a true disruption from continuity.
A 7-patent innovation that redefines treatment experience and performance.
With an infinite number of possibilities for adjusting stimulation, grab and mobilisation settings, the experience is different every time.
Florence Charpentier, Physiotherapist from Toulouse (France) |
My customers were impressed by how Cellu M6 Infinity® felt! In addition to delivering a far more effective slimming treatment, customers also enjoy a deep sense of wellness, thanks to the new tissue grasping technology that provides a deeper, more immersive experience.
Elodie Lavandier, Beauty therapist from Saint Etienne du Rouvray (France) |
Huber® has taken us from the Middle Ages to the 21st century!
This device allows me to achieve different objectives during the sessions – which are always pain-free – with the aim of helping people to become independent. It gives me a preventive offering that I would never have without it.
Arnaud P, Physiotherapist from La Baule (France) |
I recommend LPG® devices to other beauty therapists to improve their treatment offers. The screen and the tablet are easy to use.
I’ve recently been trained and the clients appreciate my comprehensive approach and the well-constructed assessment. They feel really cared for and well advised.
Laure Lizzaralde, Beauty therapist from Vaugrenier (France) |
The speed with which patients progress on Huber® is impressive! Patients find the device to be quite fun and love its challenges. They also like the energy aspect of the machine, which stimulates the whole body and all the muscles. The exercise is not analytical but functional. Even after the simplest sessions, patients will have sore muscles because Huber® puts the whole body to work.
Gérald C, Physiotherapist from Varennes-Jarcy (France) |
LPG® has given meaning to my job, it’s a game-changer, a winning trio! When I invested in the machine, I started doing sport, watching what I ate and doing endermologie® sessions. Since then, my body has changed.
Marie-Charlotte Remiatte, Manager of the Maison Malya beauty salon in Briare (France) |
The endermologie® treatment technique offers a natural, painless alternative: Mechanical cellular stimulation wakes up our sleeping skin cells for intense sensations and more visible, faster and longer-lasting results.
endermologie® treatments help combat all unaesthetic skin conditions (wrinkles, sagging skin, dullness, stored fat, orange peel skin...).
Delivers overall efficiency and visible results after the 1st session.
Boosts the production of collagen (firmness), elastin (suppleness) and natural hyaluronic acid (hydration and plumpness).
Acts on cellulite, firmness and slimming.
People treated
daily around the world
Cellulite smoothed*
*BeScored 2024 study: after 12 sessions, 93% of women found a smoother orange peel appearance and 92% an improvement in the firmness of their skin.
Since its creation and through state-of-the-art technology, LPG Systems has dedicated itself to providing men and women of all ages with natural cell, tissue, osteoarticular and muscular treatments.
To this end, LPG® works closely with health professionals from various specialties to develop treatment protocols for both preventative and therapeutic purposes: senology, gynaecology, burns, angiology, orthopaedics, geriatrics, sport and more.
Comprehensive patient care
100% natural solutions designed to give the human body the best care possible
The medical endermologie® technique delivers targeted, intense and pleasant stimulation to the skin’s surface to reactivate natural physiological processes within.
Boost the production of collagen, elastin and natural hyaluronic acid (improving skin trophicity and the healing process).
Restore fluid flow
Accelerate vascularization
Huber 360® Evolution relies on force sensors in the platform and handles as well as other feedback mechanisms to offer the patient unique physical and cognitive rehabilitation.
Dynamic Strengthening
Flexibility & Mobility
Posture & Balance, Stamina (cardio)
+ 175
Scientific and
medical studies
+ 38 years
Expertise dedicated
to health
+ 84,000
People treated per year
+ 28,000
Professionals equipped
Endermologie® is a natural, non-invasive and non-aggressive mechanical stimulation technique that reactivates cellular activity to fight the visible signs of ageing and fatty deposits. It acts on fibroblasts and adipocytes, producing both collagen and elastin as well as fat release.
By stimulating circulatory and lymphatic exchanges, this method also helps to treat scars, oedema and burns, while improving the skin’s elasticity, firmness and appearance.
LPG® SYSTEMS, the world leader in cellular stimulation, was founded in 1986. Following an accident, Louis-Paul Guitay developed Cellu M6® technology to mechanically reproduce the movements of his physiotherapist.
The company, which became the LPG® Group in 2018, has an international reputation thanks to its range of ultra-high-tech Cellu M6®, Huber 360®, Mobilift M6® Connect and Wellbox® devices and skincare.
Expert in skin and body care for over 35 years and world leader in cellular stimulation with its patented technologies, CELLU M6 INFINITY®, CELLU M6 ALLIANCE® and HUBER 360® EVOLUTION technologies, LPG® has created the Academy to meet:
For LPG®, taking care of your body and skin is the key to preserving your health and youthfulness.
endermologie® offers an alternative to medical solutions that are too aggressive and potentially harmful in the long term and to cosmetic solutions that are sometimes too superficial.
Huber 360® Evolution offers a unique physical rehabilitation system for better patient care and optimised therapy.