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LPG® places a strong emphasis on research to scientifically validate the effectiveness of its techniques and ensure they are completely safe.
That’s why, since 1999, LPG® has had its own International Scientific Research Committee (C.O.S.I.RE.) made up of renowned experts and university hospital teams: researchers, surgeons, oncologists, orthopedic surgeons, doctors, dietitians, dermatologists, gynecologists, phlebologists, physiotherapists, physical rehabilitation technicians, and more.
A great deal of objective data has been collected by using increasingly sophisticated evaluation techniques: Analysis of soft tissues using MRI and ultrasound, exploration of circulation through Laser Doppler, micro-lymphography, optoelectronic volumetry, analysis of fibroblast activity through histology in animals and humans, analysis of adipocyte activity through microdialysis and DNA chips…
LPG® has over 165 scientific studies to back its claims.