Dermatofunctional Physiotherapy


Dermatofunctional Physiotherapy is a branch of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine that focuses on disorders arising from alterations in the functionality of the skin as a whole, but also of the glands and sensory receptors, treating them as a whole and trying to restore not only aesthetics, but also and above all function, thus improving patients’ well-being and quality of life.

This multidisciplinary approach involves nutritionists, psychologists, physical medicine and rehabilitation doctors, endocrinologists, oncologists, dermatologists, general surgeons and reconstructive plastic surgeons.



It seeks to correct dysfunctions and rehabilitate patients limited by unfavourable clinical conditions, using resources that function non-invasively, improving patients’ quality of life.

Dermatofunctional Physiotherapy can be divided into two main areas:

Skin ageing (wrinkles, spots, devitalised skin)
■ Cellulite
Stretch marks
Localised fat deposits
Sagging (dermal and muscular)
Lymphatic and/or venous oedema
(to ensure greater hydration and better circulation, as well as toning muscles, resulting in greater metabolic exchange to reduce the effects of surgery)
Postoperative (to reduce oedema and pain, increase oxygenation of affected tissues)

Obesity and metabolic syndromes
Tissue necrosis

endermologie® sessions

The techniques used by dermatofunctional physiotherapists are divided into: physical therapies, manual therapies and therapeutic exercises.

Medical endermologie® sessions can be part of this multidisciplinary approach, helping to treat many of the indications for Dermatofunctional Physiotherapy:

 For aesthetic purposes: cellulite, skin ageing, localised fat, sagging, pre- and post-cosmetic surgery, post-pregnancy reshaping…

■ For therapeutic purposes: pain, all types of scars (recent or old, surgical or traumatic, burn scars even after skin grafts, post-caesarean scars, post-mastectomy scars, etc.), fibrosis, adhesions, lymphoedema, lymphatic and/or venous oedema, pre- and post-surgery of all types (obesity, oncology, orthopaedics, etc.).

HUBER 360® Evolution sessions

Sessions with Huber 360® Evolution can also be included in dermatofunctional physiotherapy, particularly for therapeutic exercise:
The wide range of settings available on the medical device means that physiotherapists can plan interactive sessions tailored to the patient’s physical condition, to work on flexibility, strength, balance, coordination and endurance.

The patient can benefit both musculoskeletally and aesthetically.

Personal health, the raison d’être of LPG®

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+ 38 years

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+ 28,000

Professionals equipped

Cellu M6 Alliance® medical device by LPG®Cellu M6 Alliance® medical device by LPG®

Cellu M6 Alliance® Medical

The medical endermologie® technique delivers targeted, intense and pleasant stimulation to the skin’s surface to reactivate natural physiological processes within.

Boost the production of collagen, elastin and natural hyaluronic acid (improving skin trophicity and the healing process).

Restore fluid flow

Accelerate vascularization

Huber 360® Evolution by LPG®Huber 360® Evolution by LPG®

Huber 360® Evolution

Huber 360® Evolution relies on force sensors in the platform and handles as well as other feedback mechanisms to offer the patient unique physical and cognitive rehabilitation.

Dynamic Strengthening

Flexibility & Mobility

Posture & Balance, Stamina (cardio)


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