Huber 360® Evolution helps relieve pain and stiffness by gently exercising postural muscles and stretching specific parts of the body.

The natural, endermologie® treatment stands out as an effective, non-medicinal solution for treating heavy leg and water retention problems caused by pressure from the uterus on the surrounding blood vessels.


To improve patients’ everyday lives and support their overall well-being, LPG® experts have developed a protocol dedicated treating painful endometriosis symptoms.

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women. Currently, one in nine* women will suffer from this cancer in the course of her life and at ever-younger ages.

This is why, for many years, LPG has made a commitment to health teams and developed treatment protocols specific to pre- and post-breast cancer care in order to assist patients at each stage of their rehabilitation.

Heavy legs

By stimulating the skin with the patented Alliance treatment head, medical endermologie® treatments naturally and painlessly boost venous (x4*) and lymphatic (x3*) circulation, with faster results than manual lymphatic drainage (MLD).


Thanks to specific, targeted exercises, Huber 360® Evolution can be used to strengthen the various muscle chains and gradually improve strength.

At the same time, medical endermologie® treatments firm the skin by activating the natural synthesis of collagen and elastin, and boost circulation to relieve the symptoms of heavy legs and water retention.