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The mechanical stimulation of cells, known as endermologie®,
naturally and painlessly reactivates their rejuvenating processes.
Discover our body and face endermologie® treatments.
Smoothed cellulite*
-50 %
Heavy legs
-5.8 cm
Around the waist*
-2,4 cm
Thigh size
* BeScored 2024 study: measured waist circumference loss of up to 5.8cm. After 12 sessions, 93% of women noted a smoothed orange peel appearance.
Evaluation of the slimming, redensifying, smoothing and draining effect of the new Cellu M6® device. Hausswirth C. et al. study report_ Institut beScored 2024.
The effectiveness of the Cellu M6 Alliance® treatment head comes from the synergy of its two patented technologies – motorised rolls and flaps – which mobilise tissues in every direction. This stimulation, which is both more intense and pleasant, releases fat and improves skin quality (firmness, orange-peel appearance) at the same time. endermologie® body treatments offer comprehensive care, putting an end to the age-old dilemma: slimming or firming?
hyaluronic acid*
firmer skin*
Smoothed wrinkles*
brighter complexion*
*HUMBERT P. et al. Clinical Interventions in Aging 2015: 10.1-17.
The patented treatment head’s motorised flaps put the skin to work to awaken the natural synthesis of essential rejuvenating substances. This cell stimulation helps fibroblasts to reboost their production of collagen (firmness), elastin (suppleness), and hyaluronic acid (hydration and volume) that are naturally present in our skin.
Whether in terms of age, environment, lifestyle or genetics, all men are different and require specific skincare treatments.
LPG® has been an expert in skincare and slimming for over 35 years, offering a range of aesthetic and anti-ageing solutions specifically designed for men.
LPG®’s patented treatment heads, featuring the latest technologies, send signals to the cells, achieving remarkable results.
Looking for an anti-fatigue, anti-wrinkle, line-enhancing or skin-quality treatment? Find out more about our selection of endermologie® face treatments for men.
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LPG® equipment near you