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Double chins are widely considered unattractive and affect men and women of all ages, distorting facial features and giving the appearance of a heavier face. They are typically caused by the accumulation of fat deposits and can be accompanied by sagging skin, due to a slowdown in the synthesis of natural collagen and elastin fibres.
Thanks to the various settings of the LPG® treatment head, endermologie® stimulates adipocytes (fat cells) located in the hypodermis to effectively release trapped fat. This technique also helps to redefine the contours of the face with a firming action for a tightening effect.
The face appears visibly slimmer and regains harmonious contours.
Eliminate localised and resistant fat & Smooth cellulite |
hyaluronic acid*
firmer skin*
Smoothed wrinkles*
brighter complexion*
*HUMBERT P. et al. Clinical Interventions in Aging 2015: 10.1-17.
Your endermologie® face kit contains a lift 20 (to treat the face, neck, décolleté and bust) and lift 10 (to treat eye and lip contours and hands). This kit is personal and guarantees that your face endermologie® treatments are perfectly hygienic.
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