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The skin begins to sag and lose its density, creating wrinkles and furrows, mostly on the face, neck, décolleté and hands.
Other external factors, such as sun, stress, tobacco or even pollution, can accelerate the appearance of wrinkles.
Stress, pollution, lack of sleep and smoking are all factors that dull the skin: venous and lymphatic microcirculation slows down and toxins accumulate.
The skin then loses its radiance and the complexion becomes uneven. With age, pigmentation spots appear.
Over time, the skin loses its density. The face loses firmness and tonicity, the nasolabial folds (laugh lines) become deeper, and the eyelids become slack.
The skin gradually stretches, leading to a general sagging of the face.
Double chins are widely considered unattractive and affect men and women of all ages, distorting facial features and giving the appearance of a heavier face. They are typically caused by the accumulation of fat deposits and can be accompanied by sagging skin, due to a slowdown in the synthesis of natural collagen and elastin fibres.
Visible, scientifically proven results.