Boost your overall well-being

Stress has a major impact on physical and mental health: it increases anxiety, cognitive disorders and insomnia. It has been scientifically proven that stress, anxiety and insomnia affect our natural defences and make us more vulnerable to infection.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), cases of anxiety and depression are up 25% worldwide as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Furthermore, in its annual report for 2022, the American Global Wellness Institute highlights a 33% increase in the global wellness market , with a new sector that did not appear before the COVID crisis – the mental wellness market – alone representing more than $180 billion.

This sector encompasses consumer spending on four categories of products, services and experiences: 1/ self-improvement, 2/ meditation and mindfulness, 3/ products that stimulate the brain, 4/ space and sleep. As a result, there is a strong demand for holistic treatments targeting mental health, vitality and sleep quality.


of the population is affected by stress.*


of French population have trouble sleeping**

* Survey carried out by Ifop for Mes Bienfaits de 2022 - ** Ifop 2021 survey



To help your patients improve their quality of life and enhance their overall well-being, LPG® experts have developed an innovative Vitality - Stress - Sleep endermologie® treatment protocol*** that has a positive impact on physical, mental and emotional well-being.

The effectiveness of this protocol has been validated by a new scientific study**** conducted by the beScored Institute in collaboration with the Institut du Sommeil [Sleep Institute]. This study has shown significant results after the very first session.

The Vitality-Stress-Sleep (VSS) protocol combines the effects on the nervous, circulatory, and muscular systems to enhance overall well-being while boosting the body’s natural defenses.


*** Patent pending
Effect on cognitive performance, sleep quality, stress levels and immunity in stressed individuals. Pr. Christophe Hausswirth, PhD1,2,3, Dr. Alexandre Coste, PhD1, Dr.
Vincent Raimondi, MD, PhD4, Dr. Cyril Schmit, PhD1, Dr. Anis Aloulou, PhD5, Dr. François Duforez,
MD5, Nathalie Paradis6 & Pr. Damien Léger, MD, PhD7

Cellu M6 Alliance®Cellu M6 Alliance®




19% reduction in cortisol after just 1 session (stress hormone)

38.1% reduction in muscle aches



T lymphocytes1

Cognitive precision2


Heart rate variability (HRV)3

Stress and anxiety4

Stress and anxiety4



1 T lymphocytes boost natural defences.

2 The results of cognitive precision tests are improved, demonstrating better concentration and vitality.

3 HRV is recognised as one of the best indicators of physical fitness and our body’s ability to adapt to its environment. An increase in HRV reflects a better balance in the nervous system and a reduction in stress.

4 Stress is reduced from a high to a low level.
PSS Index (Perceived Stress Scale, Cohen et al. 1983).
HADS Index (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Zigmond & Snaith, 1983).

5 Muscle and joint aches can be an indicator of stress. Less muscle aches mean better recovery.

6 There has been a reduction in insomnia-related disorders: the level goes from moderate (19.86) to no insomnia.
ISI (Insomnia Severity Index).

This study shows that the Vitality, Stress, Sleep (VSS) endermologie® protocol significantly reduces stress, improves vitality and natural defences, reduces sleep disorders and improves one’s overall mood.


In this study, two groups of volunteers were selected. All had significant but non-pathological levels of stress and sleep disturbance.
A group of 15 participants received “fake” endermologie® sessions (placebo group treated using the Alliance® treatment head but without suction) and a group of 14 participants received real endermologie® sessions (experimental group treated with the new VSS protocol).
The two groups had two x 40-minute sessions per week for five weeks and underwent a full battery of objective and subjective assessments.

In addition to the use of specific stress and anxiety questionnaires and tests of concentration and precision (measurement of cognitive function), other indicators of stress were used:

❐ measurement of HRV (Heart Rate Variability):
HRV corresponds to the balance between sympathetic (cardio-accelerating) and parasympathetic (cardio-decelerating) influences.
A high HRV reflects a good balance in our nervous system and therefore a good general state of health.
A low HRV reflects an imbalance and a state of stress.

❐ measurement of salivary cortisol, a stress hormone by definition:
The more stressed we are, the more cortisol we secrete.

❐ muscle ache measurement:
When we are stressed, we tend to tense up, which can result in muscle aches.

To assess sleep, participants wore a watch during the night which recorded various parameters such as the time spent in bed and the number of times the person moved.
A specific sleep questionnaire was also used.

Finally, blood samples were taken before and after the programme in order to measure T lymphocytes, the cells in our immune system capable of recognising and neutralising an intruder.

Cellu M6 Alliance®Cellu M6 Alliance®


The new VSS endermologie® protocol can be offered as an effective treatment to improve mental well-being and vitality, both as a cure and as a one-shot boost to aesthetic results, which can be hampered by stress, anxiety or insomnia.

The effects on vitality, stress, wellness, and muscle aches are noticeable from the very first session.

Let’s not forget the WHO definition of health “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”


“I am absolutely delighted to share my recent experience with the LPG® programme. I was lucky to have taken part in a study that introduced me to this technique. After each session, I felt a deep sense of calm and well-being throughout the day. As well as these unexpected benefits, the physical results have been just as pleasing. I highly recommend discovering this technique to anyone seeking wellness for their body and mind.”
Audrey - 45 years old

“I’m very pleased to have taken part in LPG®’s study on stress, sleep and vitality. From the very first session, I felt much ‘lighter’. Each session left me feeling relaxed, and the massage provided a genuine sense of well-being, which I truly appreciated. It was both enjoyable and effective.
After a few sessions I noticed that my sleep had improved. I fall asleep more quickly and wake up less ‘tired’.”
Laetitia - 53 years old