Cellu M6 Alliance®Cellu M6 Alliance®

Health Sports

Although taking up sport is one of the top resolutions every year, the reality of sporting activities is quite different…

Physical activity or sports have numerous health benefits, particularly for reducing or preventing the risks associated with chronic illnesses. It has also been demonstrated that exercise plays an important role during and after cancer treatment by improving patients’ quality of life (helping with anxiety, depression, sleep, body image, feelings of fatigue, etc.) and by reducing recurrence rates. Given the benefits of exercise, the French Health Ministry has established several national programmes and plans to raise awareness in France and to encourage people to be more active in their daily lives.


The percentage of French people who do not reach the goal of 10,000 steps per day*


The percentage of French people that do not play sports or do other physical activities*


The percentage of French seniors that are sedentary (less than 5,000 steps per day)*

* Source: Enquête Assureurs Prévention, 2014

Cellu M6 Alliance®Cellu M6 Alliance®

Our solution with
Huber 360® Evolution
Huber 360® Evolution helps you to resume physical activity gently or to improve your level of fitness for those who are more sporty.
With the help of a complete functional assessment, the physiotherapist first identifies the patient’s level of fitness and their objectives. The many possible settings then allow the physiotherapist to plan interactive and personalised sessions to work on flexibility, strength, balance, coordination or even endurance, using more cardio-oriented exercises. In fact, a study has shown that Huber 360® Evolution helps to burn fat while building muscle mass (ESP Consulting, 2010). The patient can learn their limits and see their progress from session to session, increasing their motivation. Huber 360® Evolution offers patients the opportunity to receive individualised training, supported by a healthcare professional for completely safe and truly effective exercise.

Huber 360® Evolution

Laetitia, 35 years old, undergoing knee ligament surgery

Following ligamentoplasty of her left knee in 2015, 35-year-old handballer Laetitia had several sessions on Huber 360® Evolution.

The exercises – which were quite fun – gave her new motivation and enabled her to strengthen her muscles, become more flexible, improve her posture and find a better way to manage her weight.

I love skiing and I really wanted to get ready every year to go skiing.
My preparation for skiing with HUBER has been absolutely excellent. It works all my muscles, especially my legs because you really need your legs for skiing. The thighs were something that always made me struggle on the slopes and with a few sessions of preparation on HUBER it's very, very good.
After doing a session on the HUBER, I feel lighter, I feel like running when I used to find it hard to run and my first sensation is that I feel much more at ease.

Physical preparation before skiing