• A


    Cell responsible for storing fat(lipogenesis) and releasing it (lipolysis).

  • C


    Typical female disorder characterised by dimples on the skin surface; can vary in intensity and mainly occurring in the gluteo-femoral areas (buttocks and thighs); resistant to low-calorie diets and exercise.

    Dimpled aspect caused by excessive fat stored in the female hypodermis, associated with the compression and retraction of hypodermic walls (septa).


    Gluttonous enzymes that break down collagen, responsible for skin tonicity. These enzymes are increasingly present as the skin ages and are practically non-existent in young or sun-protected skin. These enzymes degrade the skin’s connective tissue. Prof. Humbert’s study showed that endermologie®  treatments affect some of these collagenases, helping to remodel the dermis.

  • D


    The dermis is one of the three constituent layers of the skin between the epidermis and hypodermis. It is mainly composed of collagen, elastic fibres, hyaluronic acid and fibroblasts, and gives the skin its elasticity and tonicity.

  • E


    Elastinmicrofibril interface-located protein (EMILIN) is a glycoprotein abundant in elastin-rich tissues such as the skin. Elastin is one of the two components of elastic fibres, the second being microfibrils. Elastic fibres are responsible for the skin’s elastic properties. EMILIN is thought to be involved in the cohesion of the two components of elastic fibres: elastin and microfibrils. Max Lafontan’s study* showed that emilin increased 160% after 12 sessions.

    To understand: See below for a diagram of an elastic fibre made up of elastin (blue) and microfibrils (purple). Emilin, not shown, is located at the interface between microfibrils and elastin (hence its name).


    endermologie® is the brand name given to LPG Systems’ natural, non-invasive and non-aggressive technique for mechanically stimulating the skin to reactivate the cell mechanism.


    The epidermis is one of the three constituent layers of the skin, the most superficial, mainly composed of keratinocytes (90 to 95%), which acts as a barrier to the outside world and becomes thinner with age. With endermologie® treatments, the epidermis thickens, giving it a stronger, younger-looking structure.

    *Study by Max Lafontan

  • F

    Fibroblast (base of the wrinkle)

    Fibroblast located in the wrinkle. Prof HUMBERT has shown* that these fibroblasts have a clearly diminished activity in terms of collagen production and contractile capacity. Functional impairment of fibroblasts is the most important anomaly in skin ageing. Fibroblasts become rare, quiescent (“resting”) and lose their contractile activity. The skin loses its elasticity and tonicity and wrinkles begin to form. With endermologie® treatments, we can “wake up” these fibroblasts and combat the formation of wrinkles.

    * Humbert P. et al. Clinical Interventions in Aging 2015: 10,1-17.

  • H


    The hypodermis is one of the three layers of skin below the dermis and is mainly made up of fat cells. It is used to store energy reserves. This is a superficial layer of fat where cellulite is found. With endermologie® treatments, fat is released from the hypodermis and cellulite is smoothed.

  • J

    Dermal-epidermal junction

    Junction between the dermis and the epidermis which allows exchanges between the two structures. In young skin, this junction is “wavy”; it becomes more linear with age, which reduces exchanges. Endermologie® treatments help restore the waves at the dermal-epidermal junction, enhance the exchange between the dermis and epidermis, and rejuvenate the skin’s structure.

  • R

    Beta receptors

    A receptor located on the surface of the adipocyte which triggers lipolysis (the natural breakdown of fat). Its counterpart, the alpha receptor, triggers lipogenesis (fat storage). These receptors are distributed differently depending on the location of the adipose tissue. In intra-abdominal fat, there are as many alpha receptors as beta receptors. However, in the gluteo-femoral fat (buttocks and thighs), there are almost 10 times more alpha receptors than beta receptors. Moreover, the beta receptors in this fat are very “lazy”. That explains why it is so difficult to get rid of the fat in these areas. Professor Lafontan’s study showed that endermologie® treatments acted on this beta receptor by making it less lazy (lipolysis +70%).

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