Cellu M6 Alliance®Cellu M6 Alliance®

Heavy Legs

Aching and heavy legs, swollen ankles, visible veins...
No matter what the symptoms are, they are all linked to venous insufficiency, or in other words, poor blood circulation in the veins.

Everyone – both men and women – can be affected, but today certain causes are clearly identified:
genetics, excess weight, prolonged sitting or standing, hormonal fluctuations, prolonged exposure to heat, etc.

This progressive pathology needs to be monitored in order to prevent potential complications.

17,000,000 80%
The number of people suffering from venous insufficiency in France.* This is the percentage of the population having at least one risk factor that can lead to venous disorders (excess weight, prolonged standing or sitting, travel, etc.)*

*Survey carried out for SIGVARIS GROUP France, “The French and their legs”, 2019


Stimulating the skin with the patented Alliance treatment head, medical endermologie® treatments naturally and painlessly boost venous (x4*) and lymphatic (x3*) circulation, with faster results than manual lymphatic drainage (MLD).

This treatment unclogs veins and gradually improves your tonicity for immediate and lasting relief.


*WATSON J. ET AL. Physiological Effects of endermologie®: A Preliminary Report Aesthetic Surg J 1999, 19 (1);27-33.

Cellu M6 Alliance®Cellu M6 Alliance®

Endermotherapy® sessions are a source of wellness, stress relief and relaxation for me. At the end of the treatment, I have a feeling of lightness as I put my clothes and shoes back on. I can feel my blood circulating better.

Anne, Patient

As a vascular doctor, I use endermologie® techniques on a daily basis to treat venous or lymphatic oedema of the lower limbs. For more than 20 years, I have noticed how they help reduce venous oedema and maintain the dermis and hypodermis’ flexibility in cases of lymphoedema. Endermologie® is an excellent complementary treatment to reduce and treat underlying varicose veins; it improves skin trophicity and restores the suppleness of hardened tissues.

Dr Philippe Blanchemaison, vascular medicine specialist


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