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Menopause sets off a series of physiological (hot flashes, dizzy spells, night sweats, urinary problems, etc.) and psychological changes (anxiety, trouble sleeping or concentrating, mood swings, etc.) that affect women to varying degrees and that can disrupt their quality of life.
In addition to these main symptoms, their risk of developing cardiovascular diseases increases, and bones become more fragile, potentially developing osteoporosis. In addition, the skin becomes increasingly saggier, muscle mass diminishes (sarcopenia) and fat accumulates.
11,000,000 | 400,000 | 51 years |
The number of women affected by the menopause.* | The number of women entering menopause each year.* | Average age at the onset of menopause* |
*Source: AFEM (Association Française pour l’étude de la ménopause)
Huber 360® Evolution helps to naturally combat the unpleasant effects of menopause.
Thanks to specific targeted exercises, Huber 360® Evolution can be used to strengthen the various muscular chains and gradually improve strength. At the same time, balance games help to restore movement support and safety while correcting posture.
Finally, more dynamic exercises help you to lose body fat so you can slim down and feel better about your body.
*BONELLI R.: Evaluation of the modifications of body water distribution using the impedancemetry technique after endermologie sessions. XXII National Congress of Aesthetic Medicine, Rome 2001
endermologie® medical treatments help to alleviate some of the effects of the menopause. The stimulation delivered on the surface of the skin by the treatment head wakes up the slimming cells (adipocytes) to release stubborn, localised fat and reduce the orange peel skin effect.
At the same time, medical endermologie® treatments firm the skin by activating the natural synthesis of collagen and elastin, and boost circulation to relieve the symptoms of heavy legs and water retention.
MARQUES MA. et al. Obesity Facts.2011
I was retaining a lot of fluid, and had cellulite and abdominal fat. I was looking for a natural solution, and I’d heard about a physiotherapist who uses the endermotherapy® technique. I tried it, and for seven years now, I’ve been having an average of one session per week! The endermotherapy® treatments have allowed me to not feel the effects of menopause on my figure; I am even slimmer than before! I didn’t gain weight, my waist didn’t get thicker, and most importantly, it makes me feel good. I’m taking time to take care of myself. The sessions allow me to relieve my back pain, release tension and stretch my muscles. Everything is connected.
Yvane, 62 years old |
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